The Inner Circle

As part of our circle of women, you may have attended our events and even contributed your time and efforts towards these events. You may have been inspired by our speakers, our workshops, and the incredible women who make up our circle.
But perhaps you want more.
Perhaps you want to be a driving force behind our wonderful initiatives.
Perhaps you want to generate ideas for our projects and events and see them come to fruition.
Perhaps you want to help grow the circle by helping to launch new projects and initiatives and by reaching out to like-minded women and organisations.
Perhaps you want to be a part of our Inner Circle, a core group of like-minded women who want to make the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle even wider and richer, bringing in all sectors of the community in friendship and unity.
If this sounds like you, please reach out to us and let us draw you into our Inner Circle.
To Join or Express Your Interest
The day of Rosh Chodesh begins with a sliver of the moon, a sliver of potential of what could be. The power of a circle is that we are all the same – each however with our unique strengths and talents.
Potential. Equality. Uniqueness.
This is you. This is me. This is us.
Jewish women united in a circle, no matter their age or stage in their Judaism, simply helping each other, supporting each other and growing together.
Our unique and dynamic program grows in many directions, as we reach out to more and more women of different ages, stages and localities with a variety of projects.
“The wisdom of women builds her home.” (Mishlei 14:1)
At the RCWC we recognise and value the collective wisdom of Jewish women gleaned from life’s experiences and appreciate their role and impact on the Jewish home.
A core group of women from all sectors of the community, aligned with the vision of the RCWC.
Partnering with the RCWC to implement our unique program for groups of Jewish women from all walks of life.
Inter-generational events where Seniors share their unique personal narratives in a beautiful RCWC setting.
Daughters celebrating the lives of their late mothers while inspiring and connecting with other Jewish women.
The Jewish Woman: For light is her essence and to spread light is her mission. Let’s bring light to the world together.
A Significant Day - Your Jewish Birthday
Celebrating the ‘Uniqueness of You’ on the day that Hashem decided that the world could not exist without you.
Project Access
Updated website allows viewers to gain access to more RCWC videos and to our Birthday Project offers.
For our newest project for the start of 2022, we invite you to join with us in friendship and shared values.
“Ka’mayim hapanim la’panim kein leiv ha’adam la’adam — As water reflects a face back to a face, so one’s heart is reflected back to him by another.”
What is a friend?
At the centre of the Jewish model of friendship is the pursuit of holiness, as it says in the Talmud that one should not part from one’s friend without exchanging words of Torah. Rabbi Chanina says: “I have learned much from my teachers but from my friends even more.”
In addition to our affiliates and our projects we are opening up the RCWC to friends, where we learn from each other in the pursuit of holiness.
Would you like to be our friend?
Chabad of West Parkland
Chabad of Parkland (Florida, USA) is guided by the idea that there should be a place where everyone can feel at home, within a Jewish context. There should be a Center for Jewish discovery where open-minded exploration is the key, not background or affiliation. It is a place where Judaism is celebrated joyfully and meaningfully, where Judaism sheds relevant perspective to our daily lives. With opportunities to expand the mind, excite the heart and touch the soul, our Center offers a wide range of learning venues, for all ages, where questions are encouraged and embraced.
Offering the women of Parkland a meaningful and relevant connection to Judaism is a priority at Chabad of Parkland. With this goal in mind, Rebbetzin Estie was excited to learn about the highly successful program that is the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle. Using the ideas and format that have made the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle a world-renowned institute for Women, a similar program was born at Chabad of Parkland. We wish to acknowledge the RCWC for inspiring the now very successful regular women’s Program “History, Her-Story, Our-Story: Celebrating the Jewish Woman.”
RCWC in turn appreciates Chabad of Parkland reaching out to us in friendship with their creative ideas, Torah insights and technological help. Thank you Rabbi Mendy and Estie Gutnick.
A Significant Day
We invite you to sign up to our NEW Jewish Birthday Project with exclusive access to exciting new content, including special offers and events, information about your unique birthday month, and the opportunity to connect with other women who celebrate their birthdays with you.
If you already have access to videos, please log in and then click on update access (in the top bar) to request access to the birthday project.
The Uniqueness of You
A Significant Day - Your Jewish Birthday
‘‘The day that you were born is the day that Hashem decided that the world could not exist without you.”
Your birthday is a day of celebration, not just for yourself, but for anyone who knows you, loves you, or appreciates you – a day of gratitude for the past and optimism for the future.
Just like we draw on the energy of the month or a Chag when it comes round, so too do we draw on the mazal of our birthdays and re-align ourselves with our souls and re-assess how best to shine our inner light in the year ahead.
We are very proud to invite you to celebrate your Jewish Birthday and indeed The Uniqueness of You at the RCWC. If you would like to find out when your Jewish Birthday is click here. For Events go to the Events Blog or Register/Log in to access the latest on our birthday project.
For the latest Significant Day Events and all other RCWC and affiliate events see our Events Blog.
Connecting Through Candle Lighting
The Jewish woman: For light is her essence and to spread light is her mission.
Eshet Chayil
Generation to generation, gleaning wisdom and tradition from our mothers o.b.m.
Connecting Through Candle Lighting
Connecting through Candle Lighting
Have you ever been to a RCWC event and felt connected by the story, or by listening to a woman-empowering Dvar Torah or simply by enjoying the delicious themed food with its tastes and aromas of the month ahead.
You laughed, you learnt, you had fun – all in the warm atmosphere of a RCWC event.
What is the definition of ‘event’? The Heinemann Australian Dictionary defines an event as “anything which happens or takes place, especially something important.”
You are invited to an important event which will take place in your very own home every Friday before the sun sets where you will feel that familiar connection and warmth in the glow of the Shabbat candles.
The accompanying flyer relates how it all started on the third day of Nissan 2020, as a commemoration for the yartzeit of a young girl Liba who brought joy and light to anyone who came in contact with her. At the RCWC, we now aim to connect with you through our candle lighting project and help bring more joy and light to the world with this beautiful Mitzvah that women have been gifted with.
Update Nissan 2022 – Meditative Moments at candle lighting introduced
Update Nissan 2023 – Dee Pirkei Avot Project introduced
Update Nissan 2024 – Connecting with Love
How to connect with us

Stay up to date with all the latest information and activities on our facebook page

Special Edition
Enjoy the ‘Connecting through Candle Lighting’ special edition newsletters by subscribing.

Your Story
Send us inspirational candle lighting articles and stories for our website or newsletters
Join our Broadcast
As part of our candle lighting project, RCWC offers a broadcast service on Fridays with candle lighting times for Melbourne and Sydney many times accompanied by an inspirational message. As candle lighting time is an auspicious time for women’s prayers we include a list of names to connect with and daven for, people who may need blessings such as for good health, children or to find their soulmate. All around the world women can connect at candle lighting and bring blessings to each other. We would love you to join and help spread healing, joy and light via the Shabbat candles.
HOW TO JOIN: Simply Whatsapp a single word message – the word “subscribe”- to +6140 161 2075 or click here and add this RCWC number to your phone contacts. The more women we connect with through candle lighting the more healing and light we can bring into the world.
Eshet Chayil
Generation to generation, gleaning wisdom and tradition from our mothers o.b.m.
Linking the Generations
Linking the Generations project provides a beautiful setting for our seniors to share their unique personal narratives which are recorded as an inspiration for community and family.
Eshet Chayil
Eshet Chayil Series
Inaugural Event (For later events see below)
Reflections of a Mother’s Life and Love, October 3, 2019
RCWC launched their Eshet Chayil Series on Thursday October 3, 2019, 4th of Tishrei 5780. All through time, stories from Jewish women have been told and passed down generation to generation gleaning wisdom and tradition. In the Eshet Chayil Series, daughters celebrate their mothers’ o.b.m. inspirational lives, sharing the wisdom for all to connect with and learn from in the beautiful atmosphere of the RCWC.
With the inaugural presentation, Reflections of a Mother’s Life and Love as viewed through the lens of the Torah Readings of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the approximately 70 women from all walks of life who attended were inspired by the beautiful and unique life of Rebbetzin Chaya Kramer.
The mother-daughter connection remains alive forever and some could say even strengthens with time. The RCWC invites you to share your unique and special mother’s inspiration with your friends and community at a RCWC event whenever you feel the time is right for you. The event will be videotaped as a lasting memento for your family and an inspiration to all.
Speakers: Goldie Freedman, Debbie Wolf, Sylvia Cher and Karin ZafirNewsletter Report of Eshet Chayil 2021
Speakers: Di Hirsch, Pauline Scheiner and Tamar PaluchNewsletter Report of Eshet Chayil 2022
Speakers: Shavi Slodowitz and Ruth WeinNewsletter Report of Eshet Chayil 2023
Speakers: Timmy Rubin and Rachelle Unreich
Expressions of Interest
If you would like to share your mother’s legacy with us at the RCWC please
Connecting Through Candle Lighting
The Jewish woman: For light is her essence and to spread light is her mission.
Linking the Generations
Linking the Generations project provides a beautiful setting for our seniors to share their unique personal narratives which are recorded as an inspiration for community and family.
Other Affiliates

Merkos Women
Merkos Women is “a place where a love for Jewish living and learning is ignited that provides students with the support and educational tools to underpin their life time journey of Jewish living and growth.”
Merkos runs a range of programs for Jewish Women in their twenties and was proud to include the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle as a unique way to celebrate Rosh Chodesh with any women who may have had or still have an association with our organization. Merkos Women held their first event as an affiliate of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle on Rosh Chodesh Sivan in May 2015.
These events provide a warm and relaxed environment for others to connect and share their own stories. Their Story Presenters who have shared their life journeys have been drawn from women who have in some way been touched by Merkos Women. Often the stories are related to the theme of the month as well as the food selections and activities as per the RCWC program.
For further information about Merkos contact Nicole Kornhauser through the Contact Us page.

South Caulfield Shule
South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation is a vibrant, friendly Modern-Orthodox Synagogue located in the southern suburbs of Melbourne.
We offer daily services, warm welcomes, activities and programs for all ages and a traditional Orthodox Zionist Nusach (liturgy).
Formed in the 1950’s, we began holding services in Winston Ave, Caulfield South.
In 1962, the congregation moved to its current position in Leopold St, Caulfield South. Rabbi Daniel and Sarah Rabin joined as the spiritual leaders of the community in the beginning of 2018 and bring a sense of warmth, inspiration and engagement to the community. Our Shule offers a host of activities and programs on a regular basis geared at the different interests and ages within our community. These include weekly shiurim, guest lectures, playgroup, bar/bat mitzvah program, young adult events, seniors lunch program and events for women. We are excited to add the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle to the list of offerings and look forward to the inspiration it will provide to all involved!
The Shiur Group
The Shiur Group is a grassroots group of women who gather together to learn Torah. They are unaffiliated with any organisation and enjoy the opportunity to learn, share and discuss together.
Their first event, as part of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle, was for Rosh Chodesh Av in 2016. Since then their story tellers have told stories of Holocaust survival, conversion, government, community activism and surviving illness. Story tellers have included a Lady and an OAM!
Events are organised by a dynamic group of women who work together to bring the theme of each Jewish month to life in these successful programs.
Both the Shiur Group study group and its Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle events are open to women from all walks of life.
For further information about RCWC at The Shiur Group contact Miriam Grossbaum through the Contact Us page.
North Eastern Jewish Centre
North Eastern Jewish Centre is the “Jewish heart of Melbourne’s north-eastern suburbs” and “is a vibrant and growing community which has earned a reputation for its warm, friendly and inclusive approach to Judaism.”
North Eastern hosted its first event for Rosh Chodesh Sivan in 2017 and was immediately impressed with the content of the program and the way that the program was able to connect with such a wide array of people. Their first speaker shared her personal story on converting to Judaism which was engaging and meaningful.
While not located in the heart of Caulfield, this Shul is excited to be the newest affiliate of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle.
For further information about RCWC events at North Eastern Jewish Centre send your request through the Contact Us page.
Chabad Bentleigh
Although the RCWC hadn’t officially launched its program yet, Bentleigh Chabad was interested in starting at the beginning of the New Jewish Year 5775. With Karen Zafir as our representative, we all sprang into action and their first Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle tm Inc event took place to celebrate the new month of Cheshvan 5775.
A full program, including an inspiring true-life story, a message for the month, a themed interactive activity and delicious supper, had the guests enthralled and enthusiastic for the next one.
For further information about RCWC events at Bentleigh Chabad send your request through the Contact Us page.
Elwood Shule
Elwood Shul was the place that the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle began in 2009. While serving as the Rebbetzin of Elwood Shule, Rebbetzin Sara Gutnick felt that a program was needed to provide a deeper level of meaning and engagement for the women of shule. Right from the very beginning, Elissa Blaser, who used to attend Elwood Shule when she visited her father who lived in Elwood, assisted with ideas and financial sponsorship in memory of their father.
That idea turned into a monthly Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle event at Elwood Shule over the span of five years and became a staple of the Shule’s programming. Each year had a theme which included: Through the eyes of the young, Legacies, Soul Journeys, and Stability and Change. These themes provided a framework for the story tellers and activities that occurred during this time.
The events were engaging and exciting and drew a diverse group of women who were previously uninvolved in the Shule’s activities.
For further information about RCWC events at Elwood Shule send your request through the Contact Us page.
Linking the Generations

Gary Smorgon House
RCWC Inaugural Event February 3, 2019
Gary Smorgon House (GSH), an aged care facility under Jewish Care launched the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle’s (RCWC) project for seniors ‘Linking the Generations; through the power of story’ with a highly successful inaugural RCWC’s event in early February of 2019 and hopes to continue partnering with the RCWC for beautiful Rosh Chodesh events.
Tapping into the wisdom of our elderly and sharing this inspiration with the younger generation certainly came to fruition when Mrs. Sadie Goldsmith shared her story with GSH residents, volunteers, guests and family members. Lovingly surrounded by her two children, Dr. Michael Goldsmith and Mrs. Barbara Belfer, and by more than 30 members of her extended family she spoke about her journey from Poland as a teenager in 1938, and the beautiful family that she rebuilt in Australia with her late husband Arthur.
Sadie later reminisced: “While recapping my story, I could see my mother’s face right in front of me. Having such a large family, Boruch Hashem (Thank G-d), makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world.” She was overwhelmed by the positive feedback that she received following her speech. She was so surprised, as she felt that her story was not special or may not have been of interest to others. Her daughter Barbara summed it up perfectly when speaking about the impact that her mother has had on their family. “We as a family,” she said, “have always been on the receiving end of her wisdom, guidance and unconditional love.” Her family listened to her speech, and felt so privileged to have her as their parent, grandparent and great grandparent.
Read Jewish Care Articles:
My Connection Newsletter Publication – Autumn 2019
My Circle Newsletter Publication – April 2019
Becoming an affiliate enables the unique program of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle to be implemented in your Shule, organisation, group or business, where you will receive resources, guidance and support appropriate for your group’s unique needs. The RCWC program includes inspiring messages for the month that celebrate and strengthen the uniqueness of the Jewish woman, alongside exquisitely presented themed suppers and activities. The highlight of the evening is the personal story shared, which may be recorded as a lasting memento with our financial assistance. The RCWC connects women to our traditions and to each other in a nurturing, meaningful, empowering environment.

Chabad Frankston RCWC
Chabad Frankston and Mornington Peninsula started 15 years ago to cater for the growing community in the area. We offer a warm and inviting environment where everyone can feel at home. Our Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle is a safe space for women of all Jewish backgrounds to get together, share experiences, and feel a strong sense of belonging. We look forward to hosting our first RCWC event in Nissan.
An article of their first event: Rosh Chodesh Energy
See a video of the first event here

Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue RCWC
Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue is an Orthodox Synagogue and Community Centre with a diverse membership predominantly from the Middle East, India, and Asia, and provides a warm, inviting spiritual home for all.
Our affiliated charity, Friends of Sassoon Yehuda, provides free kosher meals, free care packs, outreach and compassion to those in need.
And Sassoon Social is focussed on maintaining our cultural heritage with programs, and events; as well as education programs focusing on Judaism, Hebrew and our Sephardi traditions.
We look forward to women, from both the Sephardi, and wider Jewish community, attending and participating at our events.
An article of their first event: Honouring Heritage
See a video of their first event here
A video of the guest speaker’s speech

The Perth RCWC
The Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle was created for women of all backgrounds to come together and tap into the amazing energy and power of Rosh Chodesh. As an unaffiliated group in Perth we want to create a space where women can come together and recharge their spiritual batteries, meet new people and strengthen each other and the general Perth Jewish Community through their stories.
Our first event took place on Sunday November 7, 2021 on Rosh Chodesh Kislev and was attended by more than 25 women. The women thoroughly enjoyed the evening and couldn’t wait for the next one.

Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah
Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah is a community Shule founded over 30 years ago.
It has a warm, friendly atmosphere. Young and old are welcome and made to feel part of the services.
We’re open every day of the year for morning, afternoon and evening prayers. There is a shiur for men daily between mincha and Mariv. Women shiurim are held periodically.
We are very excited to be introducing the exciting RCWC program to our Shule with Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner as Program Leader and Batia Slater as RCWC representative. We look forward to doing an RCWC Rosh Chodesh event for Elul.
For more information please email
Linking the Generations
Linking the Generations project provides a beautiful setting for our seniors to share their unique personal narratives which are recorded as an inspiration for community and family.