Who Knows 4? I Know 4!

We have 4 affiliates who will be presenting a RCWC event for the month of Nissan at 4 different locations in Australia! A first for the RCWC and we are very proud and excited.

The number 4 is abundant at the Pesach Seder – 4 cups of wine, 4 sons, 4 terms of redemption, 4 questions. The Hebrew letter corresponding to the number 4 is dalet, which means door, which represents the Jewish home. Women are the foundation of the home and the home is the foundation of Judaism – based on what our mothers taught us way back to our 4 Matriarchs.

This is what the RCWC is all about. Connecting. Empowering. Nurturing. Each of our 4 affiliates would be pleased to welcome you to their event. See the information on the flyers or contact us at the RCWC. The Sephardi RCWC and Chabad Frankston RCWC, our newest affiliates, will be hosting their first ever event for Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Mazal tov! Read more here

Connecting with Love

Tuesday 9th April, is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, a powerful day heralding the energy of miracles and freedom. May the core energy of Rosh Chodesh Nissan be internalised and realised by each of us as a catalyst to bring peace and freedom to our land and to its people.

On the third day of Nissan, every year, the emphasis of our candle lighting weekly broadcast slightly changes. Of course we will still focus our thoughts and prayers, especially at candle lighting, towards Israel. However, we will take a new angle.

Love will be our focus for this year – love towards Hashem and His Torah, love in doing our Mitzvot, love towards each other and our special love for our beautiful and holy land of Israel.

The ‘Connecting through Candle Lighting’ project and broadcast is dedicated to the memory of Liba Gutnick, whose name means love in Yiddish. A loving and beloved young girl who spread light and love to all those she came into contact with.

Women Supporting Women

Two of our affiliates, Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle, and Beit Chabad Ohel Devorah RCWC, recently held beautiful and meaningful Cheshvan events, supporting each other as women during this time of crisis.

Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle attracted more than 75 people as Shira Himelstein shared her experiences living in Israel from a young age, emphasising her love of the Holy Land. Linda Friedland also spoke of her family that had unfortunately been directly affected by the war. She raised over $5000 on the night for the family of a captive baby and for equipment for IDF soldiers. Uniting as one through Tehillim and song, the women felt empowered and strengthened and expressed that they were given a perspective shift – despite the darkness, there is some light that we can hold onto. Beautiful Neshek packages were also distributed to continue to spread the light. A Kislev event is currently being planned together with the RCWC.

BCOD (Ohel Devorah) RCWC also held a beautiful and moving event. Maya Rahav wowed the audience with her story of her incredible journey to Yiddishkeit and her experiences in the Israeli army. Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner shared an uplifting message to dispel the darkness, and the women joined in solidarity with Tzedakah, saying the entire Tehillim and enjoying tea and refreshments. It was very comforting to be together with other women who had the same feelings of concern for Eretz Yisroel. Saying the Tehillim made everyone feel more positive since they were actively doing something to help our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. The women were all eager to attend another event in a month’s time to Please G-d celebrate and rejoice in the victory that the month of Kislev will surely bring with Hashem’s help.

SPECIAL OFFERS: We have extended our special offers until 3nd November for any other groups of women who would like to subscribe as an affiliate group and do a Kislev event. Contact us via our website today.

Eshet Chayil Video Ready and More

VIDEO: For a small taste of an inspirational and phenomenal RCWC Eshet Chayil 5th annual event, we invite you to view the video on our website. Log in or Register here. Deep appreciation to Rachelle Unreich and Timmy Rubin for sharing their mothers with us, to Galya Chava Cooper for her soulful music and to Perele Goldhirsch for warmly hosting the event.

NEWSLETTER: Look out for our upcoming newsletter featuring inspiration for peace in Israel, a full report on the RCWC event by Rivkah Cohen and more. Subscribe to our newsletter here to receive in your inbox.

AGM: If you would like to help us for future events or volunteer with the RCWC in any way please let us know  before our upcoming AGM on 3rd November.

BROADCAST: We continue sharing with you in a meaningful way via our weekly and special broadcasts. Subscribe here if you’d like to receive.

Shana Tova

Our best wishes for a Shana Tova, a healthy, happy and meaningful New Year. From the RCWC and team.

The Wednesday Welcome

Our Perth affiliate is leading the way in welcoming new affiliates to the RCWC. Perth’s program leader Hinda Katzel put together a beautiful video about the RCWC, with which we are now launching ‘The Wednesday Welcome’. Every Wednesday until after Sukkot RCWC welcomes expressions of interest from new affiliates for the year 5784 (2023-24).

The RCWC joins in partnership with each affiliate, and together as a team we help each other grow, while bringing a sense of harmony and unity to Jewish women and thus to our community. The uniquely creative and engaging Rosh Chodesh program is well organised, fun, nurturing, informative, with a proven success record, and is easily implemented.

Any group of Jewish women can join as an affiliate, whether they are part of a school, organisation, Shule, business or a group of women who wish to get together and celebrate Rosh Chodesh. Special offers apply.

Eshet Chayil 5th Annual Event

You are invited to an evening of inspiration at our fifth annual Eshet Chayil event, where daughters remember their late mothers and share their legacies as an inspiration for women from all sectors of the Jewish community. A catered supper and a meaningful program to take place in a local private home, on 11th Tishrei, Tuesday 26th September.

In memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Z. Kramer ז”ל for her yahrzeit on Yom Kippur. 

We will provide the location details after registering. Register here

Inner Circle Rosh Chodesh Event

The day of Rosh Chodesh begins with a sliver of the moon, a sliver of potential of what could be. The power of a circle is that we are all the same – each however with our unique strengths and talents.

Potential. Equality. Uniqueness.
This is you. This is me. This is us.

Jewish women united in a circle, no matter their age or stage in their Judaism, simply helping each other, supporting each other and growing together. Let Us Connect.

Celebrate Rosh Chodesh Elul at our first Inner Circle Anniversary Event on Wednesday 16th August, from 8-9pm. RSVP for more details.

Perth Leads the Way

Tammuz Event
Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle celebrated the strength and resilience of women, and embarked on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment for Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. The highlight of the evening was the captivating talk by Debra Karro, who fearlessly shared her inspiring journey of battling cancer. Her unwavering faith in Hashem and her indomitable spirit left everyone in awe and encouraged us all to seek beauty in the everyday. This resonated deeply with the theme of the month, emphasising the power of women and the significance of Rosh Chodesh as a time to rejuvenate our spiritual energies. In an artistic activity, the women adorned compact mirrors with dazzling gems, representing their refusal to contribute to the creation of the golden calf and their initial donation of gold, silver, and precious stones for the Holy Temple. This feminine perspective showed how each woman holds the key to transforming our world.

Elul Event
Next week the Perth RCWC will celebrate Rosh Chodesh Elul with Story Presenter Michal Kitay and the ninety women or so who have registered for the event. Amazing! The Perth RCWC has grown from strength to strength in their two years as an Affiliate of the RCWC. 

The Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle was created for women of all backgrounds to come together and tap into the amazing energy and power of Rosh Chodesh. As an unaffiliated group in Perth they have successfully created a space where women can come together and recharge their spiritual batteries, meet new people and strengthen each other and the general Perth Jewish Community through their stories.

The Third Year
As they enter their third year the Perth group has agreed to mentor any new affiliates in addition to the mentoring, material and guidance all affiliates receive from the RCWC. Stay tuned for the special offers for affiliate subscribers for the year ahead – 5784 (2022-23). Check out our Affiliate project page and see if this is of interest to you and your group. Contact us for more information or to connect you with the Perth group.

Discovery Video Available

“A diverse group of women from all sectors of the community gathered at the home of Sylvia Goldhirsch for the RCWC Nissan event. There was a keen sense of anticipation. The dining room table was beautifully set to mirror the theme of Liberation – with the splitting of the Red Sea and with décor, utensils and food all related. This created a delightful ambience…”

So begins the article by Ella Blesofsky describing the inaugural A Jewish Women: A Journey of Discovery event which took place on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 22nd March. For the full article by Ella, enjoy our upcoming newsletter for Rosh Chodesh Elul which will be sent to your inbox. If you do not receive our newsletter, subscribe here.

The video of this event which featured Hadassa Naparstek, Miriam Suss, Miriam Pacanowski, and Miriam Segal is available to be viewed on our website by logging in or registering your interest to log in if you have not done so already.

Our next major event will be the Eshet Chayil event which will take place between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Eshet Chayil Event

A Woman of Valour, who can find?

We have found them, right here at the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle. As daughters remember and share their mothers wisdom and legacies, we have taken many of these Eshet Chayil’s beautiful lessons to heart.

Our 5th annual Eshet Chayil event will take place on the 4th day of Tishrei, 5784 – 19th September, 2023. Would you like to share your mother’s legacy? The event is video taped and serves as a lasting legacy for your family as well as the Jewish community. Read about the Eshet Chayil annual event here.

Connecting through Candle Lighting

For the last year, our candle lighting and Rosh Chodesh days were accompanied by meditations in our Connecting through Candle Lighting project. Every year in the month of Nissan we change the focus of our messages.

This year, we are partaking in a small way the Dee Family project to incorporate the principles of Pirkei Avot – Ethics of our Fathers into our daily lives to make ourselves better people – in memory of Lucy, Maia and Rina Dee.

See here for the full content of the first Pirkei Avot lesson from the Dee Family.

Note: Candle Lighting Times for Melbourne are also available on our website home page.

Discovering Miriam / The Inner Circle

With the help of our amazing speakers we discovered the ‘Miriam’ within us. What a powerful evening it was! Who would have thought just two weeks before Pesach more than 60 women would be feeling so relaxed, so nurtured and so empowered. Well, it is a Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle event after all and the possibilities are endless. Women of different ages and from different communities connected with each other and we all had a great time. The feedback has been phenomenal and we hope it will be the first of many events of self-discovery. We are sharing a few photos with you.

To be part of future events or the RCWC activities in general, now would be a great time to join the Inner Circle. Together, let us draw the inspiration from our ‘Discovery Event’ and from the freeing festival of Pesach in a most meaningful way as we invigorate ourselves post Pesach.

Whether you are an old or upcoming member of Inner Circle, connect with us via website, email or WhatsApp and we’re ready to get moving.

A Journey of Discovery

Our new project, ‘The Jewish Woman: A Journey of Discovery’, takes us on a meaningful and joyful journey, where we meet extraordinary Jewish women from our past, exceptional and heroic women from the Torah and our history. We will discover how through their faith, courage and wisdom, they faced challenges and forged new paths for us to follow.

In addition we will meet some wonderful women in our community who will share their wisdom and experiences with us. We have so much to learn from each other.

Our first Jewish heroine is the prophetess Miriam and we look forward to exploring and emulating the stellar qualities that Miriam exemplifies. Join us on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 22nd March as Hadassa Naparstek speaks on “Discover the ‘Miriam’ in You” – The Life and Leadership of Miriam the Prophetess. Miriam Suss, Miriam Pacanowski and Miriam Segal will share their own experiences in finding the ‘Miriam’ within themselves.

A beautiful catered supper, a relaxing pre-Pesach event and a wonderful atmosphere will surely inspire you for a meaningful month of freedom.

To find out more about the event and the speakers be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. You can also find out some more details when you RSVP here.

A Gift From Us

Your Jewish birthday is of great significance and we’d like to share it with you. The way to do that is to check out our Significant Day page and then to gain access to the birthday offers and follow the instructions. Let us know that you will be attending the Nissan event so that we can celebrate together at the event. Don’t know when your Jewish birthday is? Check it out here.

Sponsorship Opportunity

Our projects are dedicated to very special people in whose merit we continue with our holy work. Would you like to partner with us by dedicating our newest project ‘The Jewish Woman: A Journey of Discovery’ in honour of a loved one? See our dedications page.

Perth Event

Through their constant faith in Hashem, Carla Nogueira Parise and her whole family converted to Judaism last year. They had no doubt about their choices as they knew Hashem was in charge.

Carla recounted her travels around the world and discovery of Judaism to an audience of about 30 women. After her inspiring talk, women were invited to eat Hamantashen, make mishloach manot to give to others on Purim day, and to try on hats and headscarves from a pop up stall led by Aviva Raiter.

The crowd consisted of many women who had not previously attended and we are delighted that each group brings new women to the group and they can share in this wonderful experience. We can’t wait to see what our next event has in store!

Inner Circle

The Inner Circle, our much appreciated group of volunteers who value the ethos of the RCWC, is involved in bringing our new project ‘The Jewish Woman: A Journey of Discovery’ to fruition. In addition, Chana Bromberg, a member of the Inner Circle, has undertaken to assess the possibility of starting an Inner Circle affiliate group to celebrate Rosh Chodesh as an Inner Circle group in the unique RCWC style of empowering, connecting and nurturing.
Would you like to find out more about the Inner Circle? We would love to hear from you.

The "Perpetual" Oil

Take-home Chanukah Message by Elissa Blaser

Among the many things we all think about, is the future. Will something last? Does it have a “long shelf life”? Will this continue for a long time? We look for the “perpetual” gift, the gift we can continue to count on in the future.
Chanukah comes to reassure us. Our blessings from Hashem, the gifts we receive from the Divine, come from the well of Infinity — they have no end. Oil which should have lasted a short while, lasted for 8 days, lasted past ordinary laws into the laws above nature, symbolised by eight. There is a hint in the lights of the Menorah. When we are blessed from Above, and enter the domain of eight, above natural laws, we are in a “perpetual” Bracha. The oil renewed itself; our Brachot renew themselves; and the question: Can this last? Yes, it can.

The Cabbage Patch Doll

Perth report by Michelle Berg

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Michelle who desperately wanted to become a mummy to a Cabbage Patch Doll. When she finally got the chance to get one at the age of 8, she didn’t choose the gorgeous dolls with long locks and pretty dresses, but the bald boy with the ugly name. Our story presenter for Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Michelle Lewsen, volunteers for the charity Menora in Perth and creates photo books and stories. Through a story, she shared her experience of living with alopecia and how, just as she did with her bald Cabbage Patch Doll, she has learnt to look for inner beauty and help others who need it. Just like Yehudis who stood up for her beliefs, Michelle stands up for others and inspires them.

After Michelle had shared her story, some of the 30 women around the table got up to light a candle to spread the light and share miracles in their lives or occasions that they have been inspired by during the last year. Many women who work with Michelle at the charity attended the group for the first time, and even within a group of strangers women felt at ease to share their most vulnerable moments.

The activity was followed by a spread of Italian-style donuts and sauces, fruit and biscuit platters, hot and cold drinks.

To continue spreading the light in our community, each woman was asked to take a  Chanukah Menorah set and give it to someone that they know may need one.

After a 5782 grand finale on Rosh Chodesh Elul the Perth RCWC signed up for 5783 with their first program taking place in Kislev. RCWC looks forward to working with Perth for their next event in Adar and for the rest of the year.

General Report

The Inner Circle is going from strength to strength as we move forward with our new project ‘The Jewish Woman: A Journey of Discovery’. We’d love to take you on this journey with us, so be sure to let us know of your interest by contacting us.

In general, in lieu of the monthly newsletters and the special edition newsletters, we will be updating our website with news as it happens. So stay in touch with our website, broadcast and facebook pages for all the latest.
We will surprise you with bonanza style newsletters from time to time, for your reading pleasure.

Eshet Chayil Event

You are invited to an evening of inspiration for the special days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Inspiring messages for these days, inspiring mothers and their daughters, inspiring song, food, company – it’s all there at the Eshet Chayil fourth annual event on Thursday 29th September, the fourth day of Tishrei.  In memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Z. Kramer ז”ל for her yahrzeit on Yom Kippur. 

An in-person event at a local home with limited space so please get in early and book. We will provide the location details as well as a zoom link after registering. Register here

A Treasure of a Treasurer

We welcome Rivka Pinczower (Naparstek) to our Board of Management as Treasurer. Mazal Tov Rivki for taking on this important position and we wish you much success in this role. Together may we go mei’chayil el choyil, from strength to strength, as an organisation that empowers, nurtures and connects women from all walks of life.

The Inner Circle

The Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle is proud to announce that the members of the Inner Circle have just met for the first time. So many new ideas were bounced around at this session, and we are just now beginning to see the seeds of these new ideas blossom at the RCWC.
Just one of the exciting projects that some of the Inner Circle women have chosen to assist with is the RCWC annual Eshet Chayil event which will next be held on 29th September.
If this event, or any of our other projects, has caught your interest and you would like to be a part of the planning and launching of initiatives, then we invite you to apply to join us and see which one (or more!) of our projects suits your talents and interests.
We look forward to seeing what you will be bringing to the Inner Circle!
To learn more, please click here.

The Perth RCWC

The month of Av is known to be a time of mourning, but as the women of Perth learnt in the Dvar Torah at their Rosh Chodesh Av event on Thursday 28th July, it is also about reaching out to others and helping another Jew.

The RCWC in Perth were privileged to invite Einat Leib to be the speaker at their event, where she shared her story of her journey in Judaism, from South Africa to Australia to Israel, and how she has been helped along her way and now helps others.

A group of over 30 women were welcomed at the event, some who have become regulars, as well as newcomers, and enjoyed the nurturing atmosphere of a RCWC event. Dried fruit, heart shaped cookies and chocolate hearts were included in the catering in keeping with the themes of the month.

After the formal part of the evening, women were invited to make a keyring with ‘Tefillat Haderech’ (prayer for the traveller) on one side of the keyring, and the option to decorate the other side and write a message reminding them that Hashem is with us and knows our journey, whether it is physical or spiritual.

The Perth RCWC is now looking forward to its next event on Rosh Chodesh Elul, and gratefully acknowledges Yogev and Miriam Aharon from Kosher Kingdom for their generous donation of the honey portions that will be presented to the guests at this coming event.

Update: The Elul event was magnificent and we look forward to another successful year with the RCWC. Thank you to the RCWC for your amazing programs, ongoing gifts and guidance for the past year.

The Inner Circle

Women who are aligned with the mission, vision and strategy of the RCWC and its aspiration to empower, nurture and connect Jewish women; women who love outreach and would like to form a friendly and happy circle of friendship are invited to reach out to us to become part of The Inner Circle.

Many have asked over the years how to join the RCWC. They love coming to our events, and enjoy everything the RCWC has to offer. ‘But how do we become a member and really connect and become part of what you do?’, they would ask.

Today we plant the seeds to welcome you to our inner circle nestled comfortably within the wider circle of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle.

Reach out to us to share our passion and become a member of our inner circle.

Birthday Surprises

We have lined up birthday surprises for Tammuz and Av birthdays. Make sure you are registered on our website to receive the birthday offers. If you need help finding out when your Jewish birthday is or you need help registering on our website contact Tali at tali@rcwc.org.au
Alternately, calculate your birthday on the Jewish Birthday Calculator and register here: https://rcwc.org.au/register/.

Happy birthday for Tammuz and Av birthdays. May the year ahead be filled with blessings.

Lady Anna Cowen o.b.m.

RCWC extends our condolences to the Cowen family on the passing of Lady Anna Cowen. In title as well as deed, this graceful and beautiful woman was truly a ‘lady’ in every sense of the word, impacting all those with whom she came in contact.

The Shiur Group women of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle were blessed when she told her story at their event several years ago. The video of her story will be added to our collection of stories on our website in the next month or so. To view the videos of stories on our website, register here. (If you are already registered for our birthday project, first log in and then click on “update access” to request access to the videos.)

We take this opportunity to thank Miriam Cowen and Marla Cowen for their “Message of the Month” articles used for the RCWC programs. How special is it that three generations of Cowens are connected with the RCWC, a first for our organisation.

The Power of Story

Once a month on Rosh Chodesh, the first day of the Jewish month, women gather together to listen to the unfolding story of one family, told by one woman… Through the power of story, shared with food, laughter and love, each woman joins in the chain of tradition and is inspired to realise her power in creating the future.

This is the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle.

Enjoy this additional reading with an article by our very own Elissa Blaser, co-founder and vice president of the RCWC. Telling Our Story

This Chabad.org article by Asharon Baltazar validates the RCWC emphasis on the power of stories since 2009. Copyright and reprinted with permission of Chabad.org. Did you Know That G-d Loves Stories?

Everyone has a story at the RCWC. Connect with us to share your story or to have the opportunity to listen to stories shared by others at a RCWC event.

Perth RCWC - A Pictorial

Perth’s Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle welcomed over 30 women who came together for Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

They were presented with the message of the month which taught that although the giving of the Torah occurred many years ago, its messages are real and timely, and that it is up to us today to keep the links in the chain sturdy and ongoing to ensure a Jewish tomorrow.

Sarah-Lee Meisels then shared her inspiring story about her return to Perth to educate future Jewish generations. She explained her mission to educate the Jewish youth in Perth and to ensure that stories, such as those of her grandfather who survived the Holocaust and who had recently passed away, are never forgotten.

Finally, all participants had the opportunity to experience a self-care session with kinesiologist Michelle Avichzer. Michelle ran a short meditation and explained how to tap into the power of essential oils and their properties. Participants were also given the opportunity to make their own personalised essential oil rollers as a take home gift. This activity was followed by mingling and enjoying mini cheesecakes and food.

With increasing numbers of women in attendance at each event, planning for the next event at Rosh Chodesh Av is off to a flying start.

A picture speaks a thousand words. In addition to the report, we are adding a lovely collection of awesome photos of their recent Sivan event.
Would you like to start a RCWC group of your own, with our assistance? Be in touch.

Connecting through Candle Lighting - Meditation

The calmest moment of the week is, without question, when lighting the Shabbat candles. Ahhh… peace… serenity… When Shabbat comes, peace comes. Peace within, peace with others, peace with Hashem and peace in His beautiful world. An internal peace. A day of joy and delight.

As part of our candle lighting project, we are introducing a new meditation for each week to be broadcast with the candle lighting times to enhance your candle lighting experience. In addition, a meditation for the month will be sent every Rosh Chodesh.

Happy Birthday Iyar

We didn’t forget you, dear Iyar birthdays. We thought about your upcoming birthday throughout the whole of Nissan but we could not see past the Pesach preparations, followed by the beautiful yet tiring Chag, and then followed by recovery from Pesach. But we’re ready for you now. And we’re giving you extra time to respond to our birthday offers.

Not sure how to access our birthday offers? Check it out here.

Linking the Generations

Women of senior age, older and wiser, have gems to share as they speak of their past, their ancestry and lessons they have learnt through their experiences. We are inviting expressions of interest of women who would like to tell their stories or would like to support seniors to tell their stories. Read more

Shalom, Ayala

We bid Shalom to our Treasurer Ayala Bekker who is shortly expecting the birth of a new baby. We will miss you Ayala at the RCWC.
Reaching out to women who would like to offer a bit of time. Would you be interested in a board position? Being part of the RCWC is a very rewarding experience. If you are motivated to give of yourself to communal and outreach activity, perhaps for an hour a week or less, then please make the RCWC part of your life.
Why don’t you contact us and see if we have a position for you? As we grow we require talented and motivated women to embrace the RCWC as their own. Each one of us has talents and capabilities which are unique and treasured.
We really do hope to hear from you. Contact us, info@rcwc.com.au or Whatsapp +61401612075

Perth - We Got Matzah!

What an absolute treat for the Perth RCWC. Shmurah Matzah, hand-baked and guarded especially for each of the women who attended their Nissan event. Organised and delivered by RCWC Inc. But we could not do this on our own. RCWC thanks Rabbi Moshe Kahn of Chabad Youth for facilitating enough Shmura Matzah for the Perth group.

Here is a report of the event by Michelle Berg together with the flyer which accompanied each Matzah.

‘Not even Covid could stop Perth’s Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle getting together for Rosh Chodesh Nissan! A group of women joined together over Zoom to hear an uplifting Dvar Torah about when painted in a corner or stuck in a situation, just move forward and take that first step. We then heard Rachel Schwarz’s story of contracting encephalitis on a holiday and how she was able to take small steps in what felt like a hopeless situation to get to a complete recovery and how she is now supporting other women in Australia with the same condition. We were lucky enough to receive Shmura Matzah to be able to share with our attendees and we hope to gather in person again next time to be inspired for Rosh Chodesh Sivan.’

A Golden Opportunity

RCWC is offering a live zoom ‘Question and Answer’ session with Ester Zirkind as a follow-up to the RCWC ‘Hidden and Revealed’ event. The session will take place on Sunday, March 27 at 11.45am for a 12 noon punctual start and will go for one hour. To secure your place contact us. You are welcome to submit a question with your booking. A list of questions will be sent to Ester. There may also be a chance to ask questions at the session.
A small donation would be most welcome to help cover costs.

About Ester Zirkind:
Ester Zirkind was catapulted into unexpected circumstances that threw her life into chaos, causing her to dig deep to find the strengths that brought a sense of equilibrium back into her life.

Born in London and living in Toronto, Canada with her family, Ester is a beloved teacher, writer, and speaker who recently had her book “Where is the Daughter I Raised?” published. She speaks on an extensive range of topics, often drawing from her life’s experiences to bring clarity, practicality and positive energy to her listeners.

Happy Birthday, Nissan

Is your birthday in Nissan? Check out our Birthday Access for our Nissan birthday message and offer. Log in here. If you have not yet registered for birthday access then do so here.

Rosh Chodesh Nissan in Perth

The expression, ‘mei’chayil el chayil’ – ‘from strength to strength’, certainly suits our newest affiliate Perth RCWC. The fact that Rosh Chodesh Nissan is right in the middle between Purim and Pesach and is certainly during one of the very busiest times of the year doesn’t stop them from having a RCWC event to celebrate Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
In fact, Rosh Chodesh Nissan is when the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh and the setting up of the Jewish lunar calendar was given to Moshe while the Jews were still in exile. As women, this should indeed be a cause for celebration and a reason to enjoy a well-deserved break from Pesach preparations.
What a beautiful event has been planned! To strictly follow the health guidelines, bookings will only be accepted through TryBooking. If you are in Perth and would like to attend then book here.

Oh, What a Night!

The RCWC Gala celebration for Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheni was a spiritual smorgasbord of individual women’s stories about their special Hebrew names related to Purim. Esther, Hadassah, Malka, Simcha, and Orah. Each woman related her own brief family history while Laiya Rothberg dedicated a song to her daughter Orah, the shining light of her life.

Thus begins the report on our event by Hanna Baum in her regular column “Hanna Leah writes…”
To read the full report on the evening click here.

A Very Special Evening Awaits You

You are invited to attend our Rosh Chodesh Adar ll Special Event in honour of ‘A Significant Day – Your Jewish Birthday’ which will take place on Wednesday, March 2. At this event we will explore what is hidden in a Jewish name highlighting the names woven into the Megillah: Esther, Hadassah, Malka, Orah and Simchah. The event will feature acclaimed author and speaker Ester Zirkind, who will be interviewed by Esther Loewenthal. Find out more from our latest Purim Katan, Special Event newsletter here. Register to attend via zoom or in person here.

Two Perth Events - Light and Joy

Ladies of Perth enjoyed their first Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle in the month of Kislev with a theme of miracles and lights. Over 25 women gathered in the home of Hinda Katzel to hear Catia’s miraculous story of her journey to Judaism from Portugal to Perth. Before hearing her story, light was spread by each woman lighting a candle in the darkness, a message for the month was shared and after her story, delicious refreshments were served. A thoroughly enjoyable evening. Looking forward to the next one!

Then on Wednesday 2nd February, Rosh Chodesh Adar I, the women were privileged to hear Shirly Levy Unger’s story of how she has found joy twice in her life. Perfect for the double joy found in a leap year. Her story made everyone laugh and cry and appreciate our loved ones, whether they are near or far. After an engaging game led by Shirly, the women enjoyed the yummy food, socialised and met new people in the Perth community. Everyone cannot wait for the next event for Rosh Chodesh Nissan!

Let's Be Friends   

We all need friends, in good times and in other times.

“Ka’mayim hapanim la’panim kein leiv ha’adam la’adam — As water reflects a face back to a face, so one’s heart is reflected back to him by another.”

Friends to network with, to share ideas with and to help each other grow. Check out our newest project here.

Women of the Torah Series

Our weekly Candle Lighting Broadcast has been highlighting the Women of the Torah since we began reading the Torah anew with Bereisheet. We have now begun Parshat Shemot with a message about Batya, daughter of Pharoah whose name signifies how she became a daughter of Hashem and impacted on the history of the Jewish people.
We invite you to join our weekly broadcast here.

Is your Birthday in Adar?

How happy you must be, this year especially when we all get a double dose of happiness.
Register your birthday and join the many Adar birthdays who will be celebrating with us.

Is your Birthday in Shvat?

Lucky you! Happy Birthday! What a special month Shvat is! Be quick to register to log in to our Birthday Access and check out the meaning of your month and our special offers.

Let Us Rejoice

It was an exciting moment several months ago, when Perth resident Hinda Katzel approached the RCWC about starting a RCWC group in her hometown. She had heard about the RCWC and felt that this type of group would perfectly suit the Jewish community there. After the busyness of the Chagim we can finally say mazel tov for the birth of our new affiliate. Not only is it a proud moment for the Perth community, but we at the RCWC are equally thrilled. It is true we have already spread to Sydney and even internationally, but this is the other end of Australia!

What does our National Anthem Say?

Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are one and free;
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea;

Jewish women in Australia, let us rejoice because we are connected as one surrounded by the eternal waters of Torah, our true wealth.

For more about the Perth RCWC, visit our Affiliates’ page.

New Feature to Our Website

We have an exciting update to our website. You now have the opportunity to register for access to one (or both) of two new areas: videos and our birthday project.

Videos: We have a NEW video library available which will be regularly updated with recordings of our previous events and other special videos. By signing up for exclusive access, you will have the opportunity to catch up on a missed event, or revisit one you attended. Find inspiration in the stories and wisdom shared. Register here to request access. A description of available videos can be viewed here.

Birthday Project: In addition, ‘A Significant Day – Your Jewish Birthday’ project now has a register of birthdays on a restricted page which will be regularly updated with special offers and events and more. Find out more here or sign up here to be part of it.

Hanna Leah Baum Writes...

Hanna Leah Baum loves to attend RCWC events. And each time she attends she is moved to put pen to paper and speak about her wonderful experience. So now Hanna Leah will get her own column in our newsletters called ‘Hanna Leah Baum Writes …’, beginning with our next email newsletter Wednesday November 3, for Rosh Chodesh Kislev.

Here’s a snippet of Hanna Leah’s article. For the rest of the article look out for our next newsletters. Subscribe to our newsletters here. Our printed quarterly newsletter for the months of Kislev, Tevet and Shvat will be available at the ‘newsstands’ mid-November (mid-Kislev).

Once more the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle (RCWC) put on an event, the third annual Eshet Chayil event, that was both awe inspiring and unique. Yom Kippur was the third Yartzeit of Rebbetzin Sara Gutnick’s mother Rebbetzin Chaya Kramer and the evening was once again dedicated to her memory.  The Eshet Chayil Series, named for the famous poem recited on Friday nights honouring the Jewish women, memorialises our mothers, true Eshet Chayils, each in their own way.  It is part of the original idea of women gathering together to listen to the unfolding story of a woman and her family as she joins in the chain of Jewish tradition and is inspired to realise her power in creating the future. It was through the power of story, shared with food, laughter and love that we all emerged from the evening with a deep experience of the quintessential ‘Eshet Chayil’.

Hanna Leah Baum

Eshet Chayil 3: My Mother - My Inspiration

It is an honour to listen and learn, to connect and to share, as daughters speak about their mothers obm, at the RCWC. How wise our mothers were, and how much we can gain from each other’s beautiful legacies. Judaism values the mother-daughter connection and recognises that tradition is handed down from mother to daughter.

You are invited to hear Di Hirsch OAM, Priva (Pauline) Scheiner and Tamar Paluch share their mothers’ inspiration with us on Monday September 13 at 7:30 for a 7:45pm punctual start. The evening will include inspiration for the Holy Days, with the topic: The Shofar and the Feminine Soul.

To attend please register here…

Flowers and Chocolates

Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle.
Empowering. Connecting. Nurturing.
A Significant Day – Your Jewish Birthday

Your day is so special for you, your family and friends and for the RCWC. The perfect day to feel empowered, to feel connected, to feel nurtured. With friendships, inspiration, flowers and chocolates personally presented from the RCWC to you. To feel blessed and to share your blessings with others.

Don’t know when your Jewish birthday is? Find out here..

Contact us here…
Reach out to others to join in this initiative. We have more than 50 women registered and our aim is to reach 250.

Check Out Hanna Baum’s Article

Our RCWC special Sivan event, hosted by Sylvia Goldhirsch, was a highlight for the RCWC and for all the guests who attended. With the mother-in-law daughter-in-law relationship explored through the Book of Ruth, and a tribute to Rebbetzin Devorah Groner by her three daughter in laws followed by a delectable harvest supper, the icing on the cake was certainly the circles of discussion on relationships, topping an outstanding evening open to all Jewish women of Melbourne.  

Chana Bromberg led the popular circle or workshop entitled ‘Plan B; when the original one doesn’t pan out’, while Timmy Rubin facilitated the topic ‘Gleaning from Life’s Experiences; with a positive slant’ in her inimitable upbeat and empathetic manner. Together with Nicole Kornhauser’s soft and nurturing approach to her topic ‘Leaping into the Unknown – balancing intuition and logic’  the women left the evening uplifted and armed with practical tips and guidance as they journey through life.  

For more about the evening read Hanna Baum’s article. 

Pre-Shavuot Celebration

RCWC invites all Jewish women from all walks of life to celebrate Rosh Chodesh Sivan together.  As this event is part of our ‘Significant Day’ Project let us know if your birthday is in Sivan and we’ll say a l’chaim for your special day. Click here for help in finding out when your Jewish birthday is. 

There will be lots of surprises as the program unfolds.  The delicious themed supper will be based on the Book of Ruth and that alone will surprise and nurture you. Treat yourself, and your friends are welcome too, to enjoy Rosh Chodesh, a day of reward and recognition for women.  RSVP would be most helpful for catering purposes as well as contact tracing.  We’re pretty punctual at the RCWC and therefore doors open at 7:30 for signing in.

BCOD Makes Iyar Count

No sooner had she put away her Pesach dishes, Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner gave thought and consideration to the Iyar RCWC event for BCOD.  After all, with our newly energised freedom and the mitzvah of counting the Omer every day in Iyar, what will the message be for the BCOD ladies and all of us to take note.  Although this is an Affiliate event for all ladies associated with Ohel Devorah, the dynamic and growing Chabad House on Meadow St, in line with our new Birthday Project anyone who has an Iyar birthday will be royally welcomed.  Simply register your birthday on our contact us page to receive your personal invitation.  Rivkah herself celebrates an Iyar birthday and she will be sharing her story at this event.  BCOD is combining this event with a Shloshim for Tamar Rosenthal a’h, with guest speaker Dr. Sara Rosenfeld.  Tamar  contributed greatly to the RCWC and many other organisations and her tragic loss is greatly felt.  Tamar taught us much with her focus, her resilience and her sense of giving and the best way to honour her life is to emulate her ways.

A Significant Day - Last Event and Next Event

After the launch in Shvat a Birthday Committee comprising of Frances Gradman, Sara Gutnick, Stera Gutnick, and Ettie Spiegelman planned and organised the Significant Day inaugural event on Rosh Chodesh Nissan,  a lovely social event on Sunday morning, a  Pre-Pesach brunch at Nogga on March 14.  A beautiful multi-course brunch topped with a delicious cheesecake dessert was served to the 20 or so ladies who expressed an interest in the RCWC and/or whose birthdays took place in Nissan. Sara introduced the RCWC to the newcomers while Ettie spoke about the Jewish Calendar and our special relationship with it.  We celebrated the Nissan birthdays of  Dvora Lowin on the 7th, Frances Gradman on the 9th, Miriam Grossbaum and Denise Lebowitz on the 12th and Elina Kerbel on the 29th day of Nissan. Miriam spoke on behalf of all the birthday girls, saying in part: ’I usually do not celebrate my birthday as it’s 2 days before Pesach. I thus really appreciate this opportunity to celebrate my birthday. Nissan is the month of redemption. We are still in exile yet whenever we break through a barrier it is a redemptive experience. So too the opportunity to pay attention and celebrate my Nissan birthday with all of you today feels very special.’

We are very proud to invite you to celebrate your Jewish Birthday and indeed The Uniqueness of You at the RCWC.  If you would like to to find out when your Jewish Birthday is click here.

Our next event will take place on Rosh Chodesh Sivan and a creative and unique program event is being planned for all women to attend.  If your birthday is in Sivan, however, please, contact us with details  as we’d like to do something special for you at our event.

You Are Invited

The first Mitzvah given to the Jewish people before they even left Egypt was to sanctify the new moon and keep a calendar. From this we learn the great importance of sanctifying time and giving it the importance and honour it deserves.  As we approach Pesach we take the time to appreciate Rosh Chodesh Nissan, when this Mitzvah was given.  Every Rosh Chodesh is special, especially for women, as it became an occasion for reward and recognition for all that we do.  However, Rosh chodesh Nissan is extra special for us as this is when it all started.  Way back when …. when the Jewish women were encouraging and supporting the nation and bringing about the redemption through their faith, trust and actions.

At the RCWC we have launched a new project called ‘A Significant Day’ highlighting your Jewish birthday which is a significant day in the Jewish calendar, and isa cause for celebration, not just by the one who was born on that day, but by their family, friends and community too.  Our first event for this project is appropriately on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Sunday March 14, at a restaurant to be announced for an 11am brunch. Places are limited, and we are prioritising our volunteers, Nissan birthdays and Birthday registrants. Click on New Moon News to read more.

From Shvat to Nissan

What a lovely gardening event RCWC™ Inc together with the BCOD RCWC group was celebrated on Rosh Chodesh Shvat.  

Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner spoke on the topic ‘The World is my Garden’ inspiring the 40 or so ladies who attended in person or via zoom to look at the world in a creative and inspiring way, as taught by the Lubavitcher Rebbes. When we perceive the world as Hashem’s garden, what follows is an understanding of what we can do to help create a garden that Hashem will indeed be comfortable in.   

Rebbetzin Sara Gutnick spoke on the topic ‘ The Uniqueness of You’, launching a new project for the RCWC in honour of her special birthday.  The project ‘A Significant Day – your Jewish birthday’ celebrates our individuality and contribution to this world each in her own unique way.  

Toni Rapp then shared practical and very useful gardening tips followed by questions and answers. Thanks to Bunnings we had lots of beautiful seedlings to give all the participants and Toni was there on hand to tell us how to take care of them. 

Our Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle events are certainly the place to be connected, empowered and nurtured.

Our next event on Rosh Chodesh Nissan will be celebrated as a continuation of our Shvat launch ‘A Significant Day’  At the Shvat launch the phrase was coined ‘an hour a week – an hour a month’ when looking for volunteers both for this project and for other areas of the RCWC.   Ettie Spigelman and Stera Gutnick have kindly joined the project and together we are planning a Rosh Chodesh Sunday (March 14) lunch event in a restaurant especially for our volunteers who sign up for ‘an hour a week or an hour a month’ preferably by Wednesday, March 3rd.  

To begin the discussion on what to sign up for, please contact us. https://rcwc.org.au/contact-us/    When you sign up let us know if your Jewish birthday is in Nissan, as we will have a special treat for you at the lunch.  

To find out when your Jewish birthday is checkout the Jewish birthday Calculator.   https://www.chabad.org/calendar/birthday_cdo/aid/6228/jewish/Jewish-Birthday-Calculator.htm

Combined Special Event Shvat 5781

Rosh Chodesh Shvat will be celebrated in ‘gardening’ style by the RCWC and hosted by BCOD.  Why gardening? In one week in the middle of Shvat we have ‘Tu B’Shvat’ New Year for Trees preceded by the 11th of Shvat, a day that we are reminded that the world is a garden and our mitzvot beautify this garden. All women and girls are welcome to attend by zoom or in person with current rules in place.  Register your interest or RSVP via our contact page. We look forward to celebrate and garden together!

For details, please contact RCWC.

Rosh Chodesh Kislev at BCOD

The ladies of Ohel Devorah welcomed the month of Kislev with a beautiful Zoom event, their first program after re-subscribing for this year.

The anticipation for the Kislev Rosh Chodesh Women’s circle event started before the actual event!

The Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle and Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah prepared beautiful gift packs for all the women to enjoy!

Many women came by to pick up their pack which included an aromatic candle, mint chocolates and a list of all the special dates coming in the month ahead!

The event on Tuesday night began with a Dvar Torah. Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner spoke about Yehudit whose bravery was a key in the small Jewish army winning over the Greek-Syrian army.

Mrs Lifshy Ajzensmidt inspired the audience with our life’s story and overcoming challenges. She began with her living in New York, then moving to Hong Kong and finally to Australia!

It was lovely to see all the ladies on zoom! Hopefully the next RCWC will be able to meet in person!

100 Women Attend Eshet Chayil Event

Following up the Eshet Chayil Project we launched last year to honour our mothers and grandmothers who have passed on, we hosted our second event prior to Yom Kippur to commemorate the second Yartzeit on Yom Kippur, of Rebbetzin Chaya Zelda Kramer. We warmly thank all those who contributed to the wonderful evening – Goldie Freedman, Debbie Wolf, Sylvia Cher and Karin Zafir, who honoured their mothers with their tributes; Mussia Kaminetsky and Miriam Althaus, who delivered poignant Divrei Torah, and Sara, Liba Leah and Raizel Gutnick for their musical entertainment. 

Baruch Hashem, the beautiful turnout to our Eshet Chayil evening testifies to the honour due our mothers and the heartwarming tributes that were shared about these remarkable women. We were moved by stories of their determination, devotion and joie de vivre, and entertained by anecdotes of their day-to-day lives. A lovely musical interlude charmed us all, and the Divrei Torah reminded us of deep lessons we learn from our righteous matriarchs. It was an evening of inspiration and connection very apt for the 10 days of repentance between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Join us for our upcoming Eshet Chayil event

We are happy to announce another exciting event being planned for the women of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle. We will be hosting a Zoom Eshet Chayil evening, ‘Our Mothers, Our Matriarchs’, featuring four women in our community who will be sharing the moving and inspiring lives of their mothers, uplifting the mothers of today.

Two of our Dvar Torah Writers, Miriam Althaus and Mussie Kaminetzky will inspire our prayers when they speak on ‘The Power of a Mother’s Prayer’. A lovely musical interlude will rejuvenate our souls to tune into our mother’s prayers. We would love for you to join us, contact us here for a personal invitation and the Zoom details. See you there!

BCOD and Newtown welcome Elul

Ohel Devorah’s Elul Zoom event combined Mrs.Mina  Elbaum’s Shloshim with Elul words of inspiration by Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner and Story Presenter Mrs. Timmy Rubin.  At a Shloshim, it is customary to learn Mishnayos. In Pirkei Avos Perek 3 Mishna 10 Reb Chanina ben Dosa says, ‘Anyone who acts with love towards his fellow so that people find him to be pleasant, Hashem also finds pleasant, because that person has treated Hashem’s children well’. That mishna seemed like a perfect match for Mrs Elbaum and her kind, nurturing way. Mrs Elbaum was like royalty the way she warmly welcomed everyone into shule. She wouldn’t leave shule until she smiled and said something nice to everyone. She was like the Mezuzah on the door and was kissed by all who entered. Mrs Elbaum loved and cared about everyone. Rivkah also described how Mrs Elbaum loved davening and saying Tehilim so dearly.

Timmy Rubin ‘kept us on the edge of our seats as she shared her story of how she became who she is today’ said one of the RCWC event attendees. ‘We followed her fascinating journey from Melbourne, through India, Europe and New York before coming back to Melbourne. Thank you Timmy!

Newtown women’s Rosh Chodesh circle also had a wonderful evening welcoming in the new month of Elul. There was a wonderful attendance of ladies of all ages from around Sydney. Thanks to guest speaker psychologist Zipporah Oliver OAM for her personal and encouraging inspiration, taking us through the journey of time seeing where we’ve come from, where we’ve fallen short, trusting in hashem’s love to help us pick ourselves up and looking forward to forgiveness, healing relationships and reconnection to our own soul.

We got stuck into reading through some heavy duty Rosh Hashanah davening, and enjoyed real live singing as it befits a good farbrengen. The evening was dedicated to the memory and aliyas haneshomo of Elka Feldman’s grandfather Yaakov Yisroel Ben Shamai whose yahrtzeit is on the second night of Rosh Chodesh Elul and who loved the heartfelt song of a niggun.

It was also dedicated as a Refuah sheleima, complete and speedy recovery for a dear community member Judy Silver, Yehudis bas Shiphrah who is a stalwart of every event.

The ladies recalled that this now brings our Newtown Rosh Chodesh women’s circle to its anniversary month and immediately started planning for the next one!

The latest at RCWC

Two new projects, ‘Eshet Chayil’ and ‘Connecting through Candle Lighting’ were added as well as 3 new affiliates, Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah (BCOD), Newtown Shule (Sydney) and Chabad of Contra Costa (CofCC) (USA).

Our programs were adapted for zoom events and provided to our three newest  affiliates who  used them successfully for the months of Nissan, Iyar and Sivan.. 

Chabad of Contra Costa is a RCWC affiliate in the USA, in the state of California. Secretary of the RCWC, Naomi Rafael was visiting her Dad nearby several months ago and introduced Rebbetzin Chaya Berkowitz to our ‘concept of connecting, nurturing and empowering’ women on Rosh Chodesh ‘through the power of story’. For Nissan, Rebbetzin Chaya Berkowitz of Cof CC combined the RCWC event with her birthday celebrations, and for Iyar the Torah message written by Shulamit Nutovics was the highlight of their event.

For their Iyar event Ohel Devorah’s Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner  included a Story Presenter for the first time since they ventured into Zoom events. Sharon Sackville’s powerful story riveted and inspired the audience. For Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the RCWC Dvar Torah, written by Dr. Sara Rosenfeld, was well received followed by a delicious recipe swap which included stories behind the recipes.  For the month of Av in an event inviting the women for a cuppa and a story to share in memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Slater.

Newtown’s Rebbetzin Elka Feldman went to great effort to attract women who have a connection with them and their Shule. Women from all over the world, women of all ages and stages and from many walks of life participated in their event. This is one of the advantages of running virtual programs. History was made in Newtown, NSW, as this was their very first ever RCWC event.

The Expansion

Due to its popular appeal, moves were soon afoot to expand and offer this outstanding program to women’s groups in Melbourne.

In October 2013  Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle™, Inc was registered as a trademarked not-for–profit association. With the helpful guidance of consultants and the founding members our first Board meeting took place early in 2014 to formulate a mission, a vision and goals.  Our first Affiliate Bentleigh Chabad was soon followed by Merkos Women, The Shiur Group, North Eastern, South Caulfield and a new Project for seniors Linking the Generations.

We began at Elwood

On October 21, 2009  more than 50 women,  members of the Elwood Talmud Torah Shule in Melbourne Australia, attended the inaugural Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle event at the home of their Rebbetzin Sara Gutnick.  For the next five years the Elwood women were invited to a Rosh Chodesh evening of reward and recognition, connecting through their stories, absorbing the messages of every month, being nurtured and nourished in an atmosphere of camaraderie and acceptance.