100 Women Attend Eshet Chayil Event
Following up the Eshet Chayil Project we launched last year to honour our mothers and grandmothers who have passed on, we hosted our second event prior to Yom Kippur to commemorate the second Yartzeit on Yom Kippur, of Rebbetzin Chaya Zelda Kramer. We warmly thank all those who contributed to the wonderful evening – Goldie Freedman, Debbie Wolf, Sylvia Cher and Karin Zafir, who honoured their mothers with their tributes; Mussia Kaminetsky and Miriam Althaus, who delivered poignant Divrei Torah, and Sara, Liba Leah and Raizel Gutnick for their musical entertainment.
Baruch Hashem, the beautiful turnout to our Eshet Chayil evening testifies to the honour due our mothers and the heartwarming tributes that were shared about these remarkable women. We were moved by stories of their determination, devotion and joie de vivre, and entertained by anecdotes of their day-to-day lives. A lovely musical interlude charmed us all, and the Divrei Torah reminded us of deep lessons we learn from our righteous matriarchs. It was an evening of inspiration and connection very apt for the 10 days of repentance between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.