Sephardi RCWC Shines
Joanne Levy, energetic President of the Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue and Program Leader of their new RCWC, led their first-ever event on Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
What an incredible evening we had for our first Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle event, where we welcomed Marcelle Levi as our guest speaker. Not only is she a valued and much loved member of our Synagogue but she recently celebrated her 100th birthday.
Joanne Levy welcomed all and gave a short Dvar Torah (thanks to Rebbetzin Sara) about the upcoming festival of Pesach. We then enjoyed a sit down dinner with schnitzel, honey/soy chicken, Sephardi rice, Moroccan vegetables, mushroom rice, and an array of salads.
Marcelle, who inspired us with insights about her life in Egypt and then her marriage, and living in Australia, was treated with a surprise birthday cake as the hall was filled with song expressing love for this matriarch adored by so many. As one guest remarked: “My mother and I have left the event feeling deeply uplifted and ennobled … and grateful; and so moved by Marcelle’s speaking to us from her heart.”
The Sephardi RCWC quickly registered for their next event which will take place for the month of Elul. All expressions of interest to join any of our current affiliates or to start your own group are most welcome.
Read more here
Inner Circle Grows
We are looking to widen our Inner Circle base of women who value what the RCWC does and are happy to network and help when they can. If you feel this could be something you may be interested in, we would be overjoyed to hear from you. We only meet once a year and our meetings, although short, are powerful, inspirational and nurturing – everything a RCWC is. Our annual meeting will take place on Wednesday, 5th June just prior to Rosh Chodesh Sivan.
Chabad Frankston’s First Event - Nissan
Rebbetzin Rivkah Bondar and Sharon Gelber are teaming up with the RCWC to provide RCWC events in the Frankston area.
Oh what a night!! Rebbetzin Rivka Bondar presented the Dvar Torah highlighting the precious gift that we have been given as the ‘keepers’ of the Rosh Chodesh energy; and the power that we as women have always held, since the time of Miriam: To break through limitations and expectations, whether they are self- or society-imposed; having faith that we can individually and as a community be liberated and thrive!
Merav Eliyahu shared her personal story which was truly inspirational as she brought us along on her journey through lands, cultures, joy, loss, being found, being held and opening our hearts and vulnerability to the possibilities of love and belonging. We all resonated deeply with every step of her journey.
As we enjoyed a delicious spread of yummy delights, we connected with our friends and got to know new community members, what a delight!!!
The ending of our evening continued to feed our souls with creativity, colour and inspiration as we made tambourines burst with life, energy, hopes and dreams for our speedy liberation!
Am Yisrael Chai!
Chabad Frankston thanks the RCWC for their sponsorship towards the tambourine painting activity and in general for facilitating such a truly memorable and meaningful event.
Read more here
Featuring Perth RCWC for Nissan
Today we are featuring Perth among the four affiliates who celebrated Rosh Chodesh Nissan with a RCWC event. We are so proud of you all!
The Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle came together on Rosh Chodesh Nissan for a special gathering to welcome the new month. Our evening kicked off with a thought-provoking Dvar Torah, guiding us through a journey that began on Rosh Chodesh Nissan during the time of the Egyptian exile.
From the lens of women then and now, we delved into the excitement and challenges of our collective journey, touching on themes of exile, redemption, and more. We were inspired by a story presenter who shared personal tales, emphasising the importance of maintaining our faith and connection with HaShem, even in the face of unanswered prayers.
As a creative finale, we each crafted beautiful tambourines as symbols of hope and faith for the arrival of Moshiach. A heartfelt thank you to the RCWC for providing Shmura Matzah, enriching our Pesach Seders!
Watch the Perth Affiliate Promotional and find out more about becoming an affiliate with the RCWC. Both the video and this week’s report feature our Program Leader for Perth, Hinda Katzel. Hinda has made herself available for affiliate guidance and support and can be reached by contacting the RCWC.
Featuring BCOD RCWC for Nissan
It was a highlight for the RCWC that we had four affiliates celebrating Rosh Chodesh Nissan in four different locations across Australia.
In today’s post we feature our BCOD – Bet Chabad Ohel Devorah run by Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner.
BH it was a lovely evening tonight! The evening started with the women chatting and enjoying the hot zucchini soup in cups or if preferred, hot drinks of tea. The food was all kosher for Pesach! Fruit, vegetables and a chocolate cake made with potato flour. The women were very excited to see their recipes in print in the recipe booklet handout kindly sponsored in part by the RCWC.
The Dvar Torah presented by Rivkah beautifully connected women’s journey to Rosh Chodesh Nissan and the redemption. Our two story presenters, Rochel Tilson and Tali Ainsworth, had the audience spellbound speaking about their visits with the families of the hostages, patients in the hospitals and their visit to the south of Israel. They related stories of miracles, heroism, Emunah and Bitachon. The audience was totally spellbound and could have listened for hours.
Applications to join the RCWC as an affiliate for 5785 (2025) opens on Rosh Chodesh Av, 5th August. Expressions of interest are welcome at any time.
Who Knows 4? I Know 4!
We have 4 affiliates who will be presenting a RCWC event for the month of Nissan at 4 different locations in Australia! A first for the RCWC and we are very proud and excited.
The number 4 is abundant at the Pesach Seder – 4 cups of wine, 4 sons, 4 terms of redemption, 4 questions. The Hebrew letter corresponding to the number 4 is dalet, which means door, which represents the Jewish home. Women are the foundation of the home and the home is the foundation of Judaism – based on what our mothers taught us way back to our 4 Matriarchs.
This is what the RCWC is all about. Connecting. Empowering. Nurturing. Each of our 4 affiliates would be pleased to welcome you to their event. See the information on the flyers or contact us at the RCWC. The Sephardi RCWC and Chabad Frankston RCWC, our newest affiliates, will be hosting their first ever event for Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Mazal tov! Read more here
Connecting with Love
Tuesday 9th April, is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, a powerful day heralding the energy of miracles and freedom. May the core energy of Rosh Chodesh Nissan be internalised and realised by each of us as a catalyst to bring peace and freedom to our land and to its people.
On the third day of Nissan, every year, the emphasis of our candle lighting weekly broadcast slightly changes. Of course we will still focus our thoughts and prayers, especially at candle lighting, towards Israel. However, we will take a new angle.
Love will be our focus for this year – love towards Hashem and His Torah, love in doing our Mitzvot, love towards each other and our special love for our beautiful and holy land of Israel.
The ‘Connecting through Candle Lighting’ project and broadcast is dedicated to the memory of Liba Gutnick, whose name means love in Yiddish. A loving and beloved young girl who spread light and love to all those she came into contact with.
Women Supporting Women
Two of our affiliates, Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle, and Beit Chabad Ohel Devorah RCWC, recently held beautiful and meaningful Cheshvan events, supporting each other as women during this time of crisis.
Perth Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle attracted more than 75 people as Shira Himelstein shared her experiences living in Israel from a young age, emphasising her love of the Holy Land. Linda Friedland also spoke of her family that had unfortunately been directly affected by the war. She raised over $5000 on the night for the family of a captive baby and for equipment for IDF soldiers. Uniting as one through Tehillim and song, the women felt empowered and strengthened and expressed that they were given a perspective shift – despite the darkness, there is some light that we can hold onto. Beautiful Neshek packages were also distributed to continue to spread the light. A Kislev event is currently being planned together with the RCWC.
BCOD (Ohel Devorah) RCWC also held a beautiful and moving event. Maya Rahav wowed the audience with her story of her incredible journey to Yiddishkeit and her experiences in the Israeli army. Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner shared an uplifting message to dispel the darkness, and the women joined in solidarity with Tzedakah, saying the entire Tehillim and enjoying tea and refreshments. It was very comforting to be together with other women who had the same feelings of concern for Eretz Yisroel. Saying the Tehillim made everyone feel more positive since they were actively doing something to help our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. The women were all eager to attend another event in a month’s time to Please G-d celebrate and rejoice in the victory that the month of Kislev will surely bring with Hashem’s help.
SPECIAL OFFERS: We have extended our special offers until 3nd November for any other groups of women who would like to subscribe as an affiliate group and do a Kislev event. Contact us via our website today.
Eshet Chayil Video Ready and More
VIDEO: For a small taste of an inspirational and phenomenal RCWC Eshet Chayil 5th annual event, we invite you to view the video on our website. Log in or Register here. Deep appreciation to Rachelle Unreich and Timmy Rubin for sharing their mothers with us, to Galya Chava Cooper for her soulful music and to Perele Goldhirsch for warmly hosting the event.
NEWSLETTER: Look out for our upcoming newsletter featuring inspiration for peace in Israel, a full report on the RCWC event by Rivkah Cohen and more. Subscribe to our newsletter here to receive in your inbox.
AGM: If you would like to help us for future events or volunteer with the RCWC in any way please let us know before our upcoming AGM on 3rd November.
BROADCAST: We continue sharing with you in a meaningful way via our weekly and special broadcasts. Subscribe here if you’d like to receive.