Eshet Chayil Series
Inaugural Event (For later events see below)
Reflections of a Mother’s Life and Love, October 3, 2019
RCWC launched their Eshet Chayil Series on Thursday October 3, 2019, 4th of Tishrei 5780. All through time, stories from Jewish women have been told and passed down generation to generation gleaning wisdom and tradition. In the Eshet Chayil Series, daughters celebrate their mothers’ o.b.m. inspirational lives, sharing the wisdom for all to connect with and learn from in the beautiful atmosphere of the RCWC.
With the inaugural presentation, Reflections of a Mother’s Life and Love as viewed through the lens of the Torah Readings of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the approximately 70 women from all walks of life who attended were inspired by the beautiful and unique life of Rebbetzin Chaya Kramer.
The mother-daughter connection remains alive forever and some could say even strengthens with time. The RCWC invites you to share your unique and special mother’s inspiration with your friends and community at a RCWC event whenever you feel the time is right for you. The event will be videotaped as a lasting memento for your family and an inspiration to all.
Expressions of Interest
If you would like to share your mother’s legacy with us at the RCWC please
Connecting Through Candle Lighting
The Jewish woman: For light is her essence and to spread light is her mission.
Linking the Generations
Linking the Generations project provides a beautiful setting for our seniors to share their unique personal narratives which are recorded as an inspiration for community and family.