Our unique and dynamic program grows in many directions, as we reach out to more and more women of different ages, stages and localities with a variety of projects.
“The wisdom of women builds her home.” (Mishlei 14:1)
At the RCWC we recognise and value the collective wisdom of Jewish women gleaned from life’s experiences and appreciate their role and impact on the Jewish home.
A core group of women from all sectors of the community, aligned with the vision of the RCWC.
Partnering with the RCWC to implement our unique program for groups of Jewish women from all walks of life.
Inter-generational events where Seniors share their unique personal narratives in a beautiful RCWC setting.
Daughters celebrating the lives of their late mothers while inspiring and connecting with other Jewish women.
The Jewish Woman: For light is her essence and to spread light is her mission. Let’s bring light to the world together.
A Significant Day - Your Jewish Birthday
Celebrating the ‘Uniqueness of You’ on the day that Hashem decided that the world could not exist without you.
Project Access
Updated website allows viewers to gain access to more RCWC videos and to our Birthday Project offers.
For our newest project for the start of 2022, we invite you to join with us in friendship and shared values.