From Merkos Women

"This program will change the face of Melbourne!"

From Elwood

"… To laugh, to cry, to share and most importantly - to connect. These are the words to describe feelings I have experienced when attending the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle ... it has deepened my understanding of the strength of us, as women ... how important it is to pass on traditions and knowledge … how very important it is to look after ourselves, not only our families. The extra special thing I have experienced from the RCWC is the bond that women form and the respect that is showered upon the Jewish woman …"

From Elwood

"Without exception, each talk was spellbinding. I have the utmost respect for all these inspiring women ... I wasn’t sure if could adequately convey my feelings and my regard for my mother. However, I was taken aback by the reception I received ... I felt closer to the community as well as to my roots..."

From Northeastern (NEJC)

"The evening was well balanced and very enjoyable.  Keep up the good work! I'll be at the next one. Thanks"

From Bentleigh Chabad

"…stunning and above my expectations in almost every aspect - I have high expectations ;)"