Sharon Gelber, April 2024
Oh what a night!! On Tuesday, 16th April – we ran a Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle. Thanks to everyone who helped organise such a successful evening! And thanks to everyone who came – it was so thrilling to see new faces. Thanks to the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle who we are in affiliation for this event in Nissan.

The evening began with a Dvar Torah presented by Rebbetzin Rivka Bondar, highlighting the precious gift that we have been given. We are the ‘keepers’ of the Rosh Chodesh energy, the glue that holds the structure of our lives in time and space, pinpointing the new month’s energies and possibilities of healing and growth. Since the time of Miriam, we as women have always held the power to break through limitations and expectations, whether they are self- or society-imposed. We have faith that we can individually and as a collective be liberated and thrive.

It is in our very DNA. It was our sisters who refused to adhere to the destruction of our newborn boys in Egypt and unequivocally believed in our redemption from slavery! Let us bang our tambourines to awaken ourselves to our own and Am Yisroel’s freedoms this Pesach season and beyond.

Merav shared her truly inspirational personal story as she brought us along on her journey through lands, cultures, joy, loss, being found, being held and opening our hearts and vulnerability to the possibilities of love and belonging. We all resonated with every step of her journey and are so grateful that we are now sharing it with her, through our community, sisterhood and friendship.

Our journey continued through a delicious spread of yummy delights as we shmoozed with our dear sisters, connected with some long-lost friends and got to know new community members. What a delight!

The ending of our evening continued to feed our souls with creativity, colour and inspiration. We made tambourines burst with life, energy, hopes and dreams for our speedy liberation. Am Yisroel Chai!

The blessings of these Rosh Chodesh evenings are that our hearts are open to dive deeply into connection with each other, within the golden wings of the Shchinah (feminine energy of the Divine) and fly with that energy…back to our homes, our ‘bayit’ , our families and our communities.