From Shvat to Nissan
What a lovely gardening event RCWC™ Inc together with the BCOD RCWC group was celebrated on Rosh Chodesh Shvat.
Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner spoke on the topic ‘The World is my Garden’ inspiring the 40 or so ladies who attended in person or via zoom to look at the world in a creative and inspiring way, as taught by the Lubavitcher Rebbes. When we perceive the world as Hashem’s garden, what follows is an understanding of what we can do to help create a garden that Hashem will indeed be comfortable in.
Rebbetzin Sara Gutnick spoke on the topic ‘ The Uniqueness of You’, launching a new project for the RCWC in honour of her special birthday. The project ‘A Significant Day – your Jewish birthday’ celebrates our individuality and contribution to this world each in her own unique way.
Toni Rapp then shared practical and very useful gardening tips followed by questions and answers. Thanks to Bunnings we had lots of beautiful seedlings to give all the participants and Toni was there on hand to tell us how to take care of them.
Our Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle events are certainly the place to be connected, empowered and nurtured.

Our next event on Rosh Chodesh Nissan will be celebrated as a continuation of our Shvat launch ‘A Significant Day’ At the Shvat launch the phrase was coined ‘an hour a week – an hour a month’ when looking for volunteers both for this project and for other areas of the RCWC. Ettie Spigelman and Stera Gutnick have kindly joined the project and together we are planning a Rosh Chodesh Sunday (March 14) lunch event in a restaurant especially for our volunteers who sign up for ‘an hour a week or an hour a month’ preferably by Wednesday, March 3rd.
To begin the discussion on what to sign up for, please contact us. When you sign up let us know if your Jewish birthday is in Nissan, as we will have a special treat for you at the lunch.
To find out when your Jewish birthday is checkout the Jewish birthday Calculator.