Let Us Rejoice
It was an exciting moment several months ago, when Perth resident Hinda Katzel approached the RCWC about starting a RCWC group in her hometown. She had heard about the RCWC and felt that this type of group would perfectly suit the Jewish community there. After the busyness of the Chagim we can finally say mazel tov for the birth of our new affiliate. Not only is it a proud moment for the Perth community, but we at the RCWC are equally thrilled. It is true we have already spread to Sydney and even internationally, but this is the other end of Australia!
What does our National Anthem Say?
Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are one and free;
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea;
Jewish women in Australia, let us rejoice because we are connected as one surrounded by the eternal waters of Torah, our true wealth.
For more about the Perth RCWC, visit our Affiliates’ page.