The Perth RCWC
The month of Av is known to be a time of mourning, but as the women of Perth learnt in the Dvar Torah at their Rosh Chodesh Av event on Thursday 28th July, it is also about reaching out to others and helping another Jew.
The RCWC in Perth were privileged to invite Einat Leib to be the speaker at their event, where she shared her story of her journey in Judaism, from South Africa to Australia to Israel, and how she has been helped along her way and now helps others.
A group of over 30 women were welcomed at the event, some who have become regulars, as well as newcomers, and enjoyed the nurturing atmosphere of a RCWC event. Dried fruit, heart shaped cookies and chocolate hearts were included in the catering in keeping with the themes of the month.
After the formal part of the evening, women were invited to make a keyring with ‘Tefillat Haderech’ (prayer for the traveller) on one side of the keyring, and the option to decorate the other side and write a message reminding them that Hashem is with us and knows our journey, whether it is physical or spiritual.
The Perth RCWC is now looking forward to its next event on Rosh Chodesh Elul, and gratefully acknowledges Yogev and Miriam Aharon from Kosher Kingdom for their generous donation of the honey portions that will be presented to the guests at this coming event.
Update: The Elul event was magnificent and we look forward to another successful year with the RCWC. Thank you to the RCWC for your amazing programs, ongoing gifts and guidance for the past year.