Lady Anna Cowen o.b.m.
RCWC extends our condolences to the Cowen family on the passing of Lady Anna Cowen. In title as well as deed, this graceful and beautiful woman was truly a ‘lady’ in every sense of the word, impacting all those with whom she came in contact.
The Shiur Group women of the Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle were blessed when she told her story at their event several years ago. The video of her story will be added to our collection of stories on our website in the next month or so. To view the videos of stories on our website, register here. (If you are already registered for our birthday project, first log in and then click on “update access” to request access to the videos.)
We take this opportunity to thank Miriam Cowen and Marla Cowen for their “Message of the Month” articles used for the RCWC programs. How special is it that three generations of Cowens are connected with the RCWC, a first for our organisation.