Connecting with Love
Tuesday 9th April, is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, a powerful day heralding the energy of miracles and freedom. May the core energy of Rosh Chodesh Nissan be internalised and realised by each of us as a catalyst to bring peace and freedom to our land and to its people.
On the third day of Nissan, every year, the emphasis of our candle lighting weekly broadcast slightly changes. Of course we will still focus our thoughts and prayers, especially at candle lighting, towards Israel. However, we will take a new angle.
Love will be our focus for this year – love towards Hashem and His Torah, love in doing our Mitzvot, love towards each other and our special love for our beautiful and holy land of Israel.
The ‘Connecting through Candle Lighting’ project and broadcast is dedicated to the memory of Liba Gutnick, whose name means love in Yiddish. A loving and beloved young girl who spread light and love to all those she came into contact with.