RCWC Inter-Affiliate Event.
It was Rosh Chodesh Teves, Thursday, December 19, 2017, that around 35 guests enjoyed a special Chanukah-based Rosh Chodesh Women’s Circle Event evening at Rebbetzin Sara Gutnick’s home. This Inter-Affiliate Event was held to show appreciation to the women volunteers who have been involved in creating beautiful Rosh Chodesh events to empower and inspire women. Other women attended in the hope that they, too, will find a niche to volunteer for the RCWC or perhaps to start an affiliate group. Following the formalities was an impromptu speech by Kate Ashmor that inspired us all. Unbeknown to many, Kate is Jewish and has an amazing story herself. As with all our RCWC events the story was the highlight of the evening.