Eshet Chayil Event
Every year between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur the RCWC brings you the inspirational and iconic Eshet Chayil evening, in memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Zelda Kramer z”l whose Yartzeit is on Yom Kippur. The Eshet Chayil evening is a chance for women from different communities to come together, to support and empower each other and to feel that sense of unity during these holy days.
The inspiration received from an evening where daughters share memories of their mothers, adds to the inspiration of the holy days and encourages us in our current circumstances. This year, our theme is Israel with a meaningful program blending inspiration and solidarity. Ettie Spigelman and Helen Savitz share the legacies of their mothers, women who have lived and loved the Holy Land.